Mandelbulb is the fractal “industry standard” for volumetric fractals. Because it’s so popular, there is an overload of content. It can be hard to find the best renderings, at the highest resolutions with the best camera work and color choices.
Feel free to send me your fractal video recommendations! I'll be updating this list often. I'm only reviewing LONG DURATION music videos, so please don't send short clips.
A memory Place
Fractal Canyon
Yep. It's 100% mirrored in the center for the entire video. But it grows on you. The best part is the color palette isn't crazy. I love the fact that it is so reserved and sticks to the sepia-tone the entire video. Kudos on color!
Visions from the Deep
This is a great mix of downtempo and dancey tunes set to 4k volumetric fractals. It's a little dubby-steppy at times (which personally harshes my mellow a bit) but hey, variety is the spice of life! I thoroughly enjoy the visual variety, it's something I can throw on my second monitor while working, and catch something new every time. Support the artist on their Patreon.
From the same artist as the previous listing, I can't get enough. I enjoy the more reserved color choices in this video. The camera work is more engrossing and contemplative.
Shroom Zoom
Too much fractal work is so abstract, it's hard to relate to. That's why I want to see more surrealism from this artist. We can all relate to a city. What other visual metaphors will they come up with? I like the slower flyover camera work. The video MICRODOSE is a probably a better illustration of this artist's fractal work. Mircrodose's sound-reactive treatment is something I haven't seen before in Mandelbulb videos. Usually the sound-reactive part is done in post, but it appears that the coloring in the fractals themselves are reactive! I just really appreciate the city approach of this video, so that's the bit I'm featuring. I really want to see renders at 4k from this artist!